We were already allowed to notice that sprayed people were dubbed transhuman. *****”Transhumans are the first manifestation of a new species of evolutionary beings. They are similar to the first hominids who left the trees many millions of years ago and began to look around. Transhumans do not necessarily have the goal of accelerating the evolution of higher life forms. Many of them are not even aware of their role as a transitional form of evolution. “**** Source: Natural MedicineVideos.com *****Eugenics plays a central role in transhumanism. However, the hope is not to prevent birth through sterilization, but to ensure the birth of a healthy child through genetic manipulation.[4][13] In the process, human evolution is to be controlled in the future, oriented to goals chosen by humans.***** *****That includes your education on transgender, transgender language. THUS EGALITARIANISM! DO WE WANT THAT? I CAN ONLY SPEAK FOR MYSELF….NO I DON’T … Weiterlesen
Tag: Psychopathen
What’s up Michel?
There are things that don’t exist…THINK WE I start with a “nonsense”: ‘If an elephant sits in a cherry tree, a drill flies by.’ The elephant thinks, “Things exist’!?” This is exactly how this abstruse development on the planet seems to me right now. On Saturday the 28.08.2021 I picked up my blood result. I also had my blood tested for “sars-cov-2”. I must say that I am an absolute opponent of the new “injections with an unresearched, dubious and dangerous substance”. My feeling told me this already before. I GOT THE RESULT, MY BODY HAS FORMED ANTIBODIES AGAINST THIS DUBIOUS SARS-COV-2!!!! Source: Wikipedia What happened. Already at Christmas 2019 I got complaints, this dragged on into the second week of January 2020. HELLO, WHO DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS “PLANDEMY” from far away China? All I can say is, this “flu” was new to me in that I was … Weiterlesen
Is this the fatal truth? ++++How does it go with a “depopulation” in a humane “way”? If one can kill nobody more by wars, in the necessary mass? Determines that billions of people have needs? Then begins, people of a “low caste” as it is common in India? One neglected it, intentionally or less intentionally…to boycott the school systems, training….also the “knowledge transfer” from the outset?++++ Source: Video Deagel Screenshot +++++There must be a reason for this about “contempt” for outlawed populations!!!???+++++There is, though! Source: Telegram
***If the authorities get ANGST, then of the “MOB”. The slaves who have been let know that they are “scum” partly for millennia …. partly for centuries **These authorities we have “blatantly” exposed in other articles of this “blog”! Source: Telegram
Perverted tricks like “chemtrails, Haarp and the syringe” are suitable “mass destroyers”. We can’t imagine what brutal derangement the “FULFILLMENT HELPERS” follow some … Weiterlesen