Is this the fatal truth? ++++How does it go with a “depopulation” in a humane “way”? If one can kill nobody more by wars, in the necessary mass? Determines that billions of people have needs? Then begins, people of a “low caste” as it is common in India? One neglected it, intentionally or less intentionally…to boycott the school systems, training….also the “knowledge transfer” from the outset?++++ Source: Video Deagel Screenshot +++++There must be a reason for this about “contempt” for outlawed populations!!!???+++++There is, though! Source: Telegram ***If the authorities get ANGST, then of the “MOB”. The slaves who have been let know that they are “scum” partly for millennia …. partly for centuries **These authorities we have “blatantly” exposed in other articles of this “blog”! Source: Telegram Perverted tricks like “chemtrails, Haarp and the syringe” are suitable “mass destroyers”. We can’t imagine what brutal derangement the “FULFILLMENT HELPERS” follow some … Weiterlesen