Predictions that are confirmed more and more every day: +++++How can I plausibly convey this message to you ⁉ Without much frippery⁉ +++++ HOW CAN I MAKE YOU SHARE….BEFORE THE VULTURE TAKES US +++++ ⭐80% of people do not know that COVID is a “fraudulent deception”! ⭐Many people don’t get the message that “cyber attacks” is another distraction too! ⭐Many people have no idea what “disruption” of supply chains means to us! ⭐Many people have never heard of the Guide Stone or the DEAGEL LIST! ⭐Many people do not know me or have disregarded my warnings, for example the “Baltic dry Index”. I trained this since 2015! Source: Baltic Dry Index 🤮The third step of these “creatures” is to disrupt supply chains worldwide. I will post only three pictures. THEY SHOW ALL SHIPS AROUND THE WORLD. FROM PASSENGER SHIPS, TO TANKERS AND CARGO SHIPS, TO THE SMALLER SHIP TRANSPORTERS FOR … Weiterlesen
Tag: Merkel
What’s up Michel?
There are things that don’t exist…THINK WE I start with a “nonsense”: ‘If an elephant sits in a cherry tree, a drill flies by.’ The elephant thinks, “Things exist’!?” This is exactly how this abstruse development on the planet seems to me right now. On Saturday the 28.08.2021 I picked up my blood result. I also had my blood tested for “sars-cov-2”. I must say that I am an absolute opponent of the new “injections with an unresearched, dubious and dangerous substance”. My feeling told me this already before. I GOT THE RESULT, MY BODY HAS FORMED ANTIBODIES AGAINST THIS DUBIOUS SARS-COV-2!!!! Source: Wikipedia What happened. Already at Christmas 2019 I got complaints, this dragged on into the second week of January 2020. HELLO, WHO DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS “PLANDEMY” from far away China? All I can say is, this “flu” was new to me in that I was … Weiterlesen
French pave the way
After the Rothschild/Templer disciple Emmanuelle Macron wants to drag the French further in freedom, in his self-created matrix into deeper sinecures, the French are standing up. 50% of the hospital staff is strictly against “compulsory vaccination”! The innkeepers are now being turned into “compliance helpers”. The “restaurateur” is threatened with severe penalties if he allows “unvaccinated people” to enter. He faces a fine of € 45,000 and a year in prison! THE CONTROLLED PRESIDENT EMANUELLE MACRON IN THE FINAL BATTLE! The military is to be used to control the restaurants!!!!!!!!! Photo: Macron and “only” his bodyguard? Smily Source: Daily Mail Although his call on the Tuesday before the commemoration of “Storming the Bastille”, July 14, 1789, was heeded by some !!!!1.2 million!!!! of obedient, blackmailable Frenchmen was heeded, to get a “FORCED SPRING”…that’s just how millions of Frenchmen think gaaaately differently. Source: Archive German Resistance For the first time I … Weiterlesen