Predictions that are confirmed more and more every day: +++++How can I plausibly convey this message to you ⁉ Without much frippery⁉ +++++ HOW CAN I MAKE YOU SHARE….BEFORE THE VULTURE TAKES US +++++ ⭐80% of people do not know that COVID is a “fraudulent deception”! ⭐Many people don’t get the message that “cyber attacks” is another distraction too! ⭐Many people have no idea what “disruption” of supply chains means to us! ⭐Many people have never heard of the Guide Stone or the DEAGEL LIST! ⭐Many people do not know me or have disregarded my warnings, for example the “Baltic dry Index”. I trained this since 2015! Source: Baltic Dry Index 🤮The third step of these “creatures” is to disrupt supply chains worldwide. I will post only three pictures. THEY SHOW ALL SHIPS AROUND THE WORLD. FROM PASSENGER SHIPS, TO TANKERS AND CARGO SHIPS, TO THE SMALLER SHIP TRANSPORTERS FOR … Weiterlesen
Tag: Deagelliste
What’s up Michel?
There are things that don’t exist…THINK WE I start with a “nonsense”: ‘If an elephant sits in a cherry tree, a drill flies by.’ The elephant thinks, “Things exist’!?” This is exactly how this abstruse development on the planet seems to me right now. On Saturday the 28.08.2021 I picked up my blood result. I also had my blood tested for “sars-cov-2”. I must say that I am an absolute opponent of the new “injections with an unresearched, dubious and dangerous substance”. My feeling told me this already before. I GOT THE RESULT, MY BODY HAS FORMED ANTIBODIES AGAINST THIS DUBIOUS SARS-COV-2!!!! Source: Wikipedia What happened. Already at Christmas 2019 I got complaints, this dragged on into the second week of January 2020. HELLO, WHO DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS “PLANDEMY” from far away China? All I can say is, this “flu” was new to me in that I was … Weiterlesen